Annica and Dad Tour Colleges

Annica, supergirl ace, is a high school senior this year, and that means she will be applying to colleges this winter. So, we took our big college campus tour, starting with a flight to San Diego to tour UC San Diego, San Diego State, then up to LA to tour USC (just for fun), then drove up the coast for a tour at UC Santa Barbara, a drive around Cal Poly, then UC Santa Cruz and finally Stanford. Of all these schools, I think Annica likes UC San Diego best. There are other schools Annica will apply to, including UC Berkeley and others, but UC San Diego seems to peak the most interest. Pictured here, we made stops at Tommy's, famous for their chili cheese burgers, and of course Anderson's where we had of course, Split Pea Soup. I nice lady took the picture of us at Andersons (she could see we really wanted a picture of Papa and Split Pea. Oh, the picture of me here is from our stop in Woodland Hills, that's the house on Larkwood Avenue, across from Calabash Elementary School where I grew up.

Hi gang, welcome to Keith's web page. This is a picture of Pam and I at Rockerfeller Center in New York. Coming up is our Tour de France 2008 celebration ride and party. The 32 mile route is below, the 22 mile route below that, and at the bottom is an interactive map. The ride starts at 8am at our home. Be sure to select your tour rider if you are going to make the party.